What Are Genders For? (Saturday Seminar)
This seminar was held at the Bronx Household of Faith on January 23rd, 2021. Though the quality of this recording is sub-par, we hope that the content will still be helpful to you (it may be easier to understand using headphones).
We had a follow up seminar on February 21st. Unfortunately, the audio from that seminar was not captured. We discussed the need to be engaged in this issue and to stand up for the truth, or we will merely be passing the buck to our children who will have to address this issue themselves. The file provided here links to a recommended resource for thinking through the issue of "preferred pronouns." At the follow-up seminar we also recommended the book Gender Ideology: What Do Christians Need to Know? by Sharon James, as a succinct summary of the relevant issues and the biblical response.
Here is the outline of the first seminar, and beneath that you'll find the slides used during the seminar:
Intro and book recommendations (00:00-12:03)
Part 1: What Are Genders For, According to the World Around Us? (12:04)
(First Video: 45:31) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4B4hivy_Qs
(Second video:1:03:32-1:07:42) https://youtu.be/q0qD2K2RWkc
Part 2: What Are Genders For, According to Scripture? (1:44:58)
Part 3: What Is the Church Here For? (What Is Our Response?) (2:24:10)